Chapter One :Chapter 1

There is a click-clack coming down a pathway that is lit in total darkness. Thunder roars to create the perfect balance for ultimate chaos and pure raw horror.

If you find me walking past your room this very moment, you know that you have landed where reality don't exists. The only reality shall be that of your fear, your own personal agony that you have created for yourself.

Welcome to hell.

Here it is my pleasure to see you suffer.

Here I am Damien, the Devil's son.

Now, do not get me wrong, I love to see pain brought to your face over and over, but this does not hold the same excitement it used to hold me before. It is the same as always, mostly, funny enough, it is not murder, yet they are my favorite ones to watch. What gets you down here is your own greed; you, yourself, will be your own downfall.

Although I do love to watch you stew in your own mess, I do also sometimes crave the things that a man like me should not crave. Those little things that are forbidden.

I crave flesh.

Here is where you should not get me wrong, I am not a flesh-eating demon. I feel the need for interaction with another than that of a poor doomed soul and the ones that so eagerly feed on them.

Which brings me here, the gates of hell.

I have, on so many occasions, tried to force myself through and step into the world of the real living. Heaven, I am truly not fazed with. Dad has his fair amount that sneaks in here on the odd occasion. What I crave are the things that only a human can provide. What it is, that I cannot tell you. My fascination is high, and I am eager to explore.

So after many days and nights, which down here makes no difference, I have carefully considered that I shall take that bold step. I know that there shall be great consequences for my actions should my father find me out, or worse, my true identity come known to a human.

The moment has arrived. I have made sure that my father will be occupied at the very moment. A sweet little angel that I snuck in earlier today. He shall have endless fun with her in his own little time loop. It gives me the opportunity that I have been eagerly waited for.

So, I mask my path and keep out of sight from any demon; the pesky little things can really be such a nagging pain at times. With a heart pounding in a heavy chest, I find my way at the gate that keeps us away from the world that beyond this truly exists.     

Yes, I said pounding, but that shall be a discussion of another day. Today, now, at this very moment, I, who has, as sneaky as I can be, stolen the gate keys when father was not looking. I had one of the blacksmiths forge me a new one, and there, I have my own.

With a hand that slightly trembles and short stuttered breaths, I only but whisper to myself. "Breathe, Damien…Breathe…You can do this."

With one click, the door slowly opens.

There is a bright light that blinds me but for a moment. No, I am not in heaven. I have entered when these humans have their day.

Now let me paint you the picture. This is not a gate that leads into a rose garden. It is not the type of gate that leads into a park. This gate, well, it has landed me in a pile of filth and mud. Somewhere on the outskirts of this city, the gate that leads you to hell is found on the edge of an old abandoned graveyard. 

After closing the gate firmly behind me, for we do not want any demons to come out, I make my way through the graveyard that has not seen any new souls in years. As they say, this one is fully utilized, well, not only by space, but we have had many additions from here ourselves.

It is a horrid life, but somebody has to do it. Father hates walking around the tortured souls. He says that it has become beneath him. He will rather enjoy repeating his own little sin after sin. On the other hand, I love the hand that I have been dealt, but now I am looking for a little bit more. Father dangles his fingers in heaven; I will be dangling mine in earth.

So, what seems like only minutes, but in fact is nearly half an hour, I find myself entering the city limits. It is magnificent to see all the towering buildings that shine in the afternoon sunlight. There are the honking of cars and the sounds of so many voices. A sound that I am completely unfamiliar with. It sounds like pure music to my ear. There is no agony, and there is no crying. It is perfect. Confusing. But perfect.

There are so many places to go and so many things here to see; I thought I would only have to come out once here; I have gladly been mistaken. So the very first place that I am drawn to is a park that is near the city center. Everything is green, filled with a rainbow full of colors. The smell is even yet beyond me. I never have, and I shall say again, never smelled anything apart from fear and complete nothingness. It is as if my senses are set to pleasure.

I do understand now why this is forbidden, and even more, I do understand why these humans sin. They live with temptation every day. I have now tasted the forbidden fruit; I will find here what it is that I seek.

In the far corner of the park, I find a bench; I shall sit and watch them, learn them. They are fascinating when they are still fully intact; when they get down there, they are in pieces and completely shattered. I shall, in a way, say, here they are still fresh. Again, I do not wish to feed their flesh; I wish to touch one.

So I sit in my little corner, and I stare over this park; there are humans with their children playing what is called catch. Then there are humans, which I believe they call them couples; they are sitting tucked in each other's arms. And there are also the ones that are just sitting by themselves, reading.

But then…

I feel it come traveling through the air; it hits me off balance and shocks me back into the chair. I feel as little tingles flow over my body. I feel my skin as it is set alight; my heart starts to beat that fraction faster. I try to utter but one word to myself, but it comes out strangled.

So I turn my head in the direction that the scent has come, and as my deep brown eyes finally meet it, I am completely thrown off my feet. I have not seen any such beauty; it is radiating from her skin. It is as if the sun is glowing from her; her soft brown hair is playing in the wind over her shoulders. I can feel the vibration her body gives to the earth crawl up into my own body.

This, this is what I want.

I want to lay my hands softly against her skin and just feel her.

I want her touch.

But I am a man that knows nothing about a woman, let alone a woman that is a human. But her scent is so intoxicating; I don't care what I do know and what I do not; I just need her.


How do I get close to her?

As I give myself a once over, I do not quite present the man that such a delicate creature shall talk to, let alone touch. I do seem to come across as odd in all my six-foot-two glory, with muscles that flex in tighten in a black designer suit. I could easily settle as an undertaker.

So, I close my eyes and get lost in her scent, which carries me to another dimension. I count from ten to one and build that courage and determination that the son of the devil has.

But then…

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